• Tipis site is dedicated to all the people around the world who have ever studied the American Indian tipi and wanted to live the life of freedom on the Plains that this structure represents.  It is also dedicated to all those who wanted to own, have owned, will own a lodge in the future. 

    Tipis-Tepees-Teepees: History and Design of the Cloth Tipi…by Linda A. Holley.  This book is NOW in print and will be available on this site.  Check back to see more information on how to order. See Research Area for more information.

    This site has been updated in the last few days, September 7, 2010  and still being updated….several pages have been updated or changed.

    Published Articles and Books-Research AreaNational Powwow
    15 in Danville, IndianaTipi and Craft Competition
    Historical Interior materials-backrests-beds-floors-spoons-bags-parflechePainted Covers
     2nd. Page
     3rd. Page
     4th. Page
     5th. Page

    Transportation of Poles:         Roof rack  & Trailers     Historic Photos and Drawings
    Modern Interior beds
    USA tipis Manufacturers… Cloth Tipi MakersLodge Owners  Thanksgiving  Encampment at Disney WorldInside the Tipi-Photos/Drawings:    Historic  and Modern/ContemporaryP L  BowlesThe Look of the Historic tipi camp set up.Univ. of Wash. Library
    European and other World tipi makers
    Buffalo Hide Tipis-  Makers Today Rain capsDoorsHide TipisToy Tipi Covers page1 & page 2
    Tipi Pattern DrawingsMaterial Culture of the Plains, Prairie and Plateau  or Pis2 for shortBeaded CoversLinings or Ozan-rope/pole/decoratedIndividual Owners   Post Card Tipis 2nd. Page Stereo View Tipis Glass Slides
    Outside Dangles/Pictures
    Contests-Guidelines for tipi competition FIHA Dance 20011 tipi competition guidelines for 2010 Pictures 2008 and 2009 Pole, Pegs and Lacing PinsOutside Camp areaPainting, Cleaning and Fire resist of canvas materialsEuropean Tipis and web sites
    Pegging down tipisAsian Tipis
    Web Sites …owners-museums-resortsNational Powwow XIV (14) July2008 tipi comp. Danville, Ill National Powwow Pictures  #12 page 1 Page 2 and page 3Keeping the Lodge Warm   *Bulgarian tipisHungarian tipisRussian Tipis

  • Tipi Talk..http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LodgeOwners/join…interactive group of people who want to ask, answer or put impute into tipis.  There are many knowledgeable people there who can help you. However, is NOT a place for professional tipi makers to sell their tipis. We want impute and experience.  If you have a used tipi you want to sell, check with the Moderator, that’s me, before you put it on the site.
  • Yahoo! Groups: PlainsIndianSeminarTwo… Material culture of the Plains, etc. This is a meeting place for all those who have participated in the Material Culture of the Plains, Prairie and Plateau Conference….and anyone else who has an advanced interest in a year round forum for the discussion of ethnography, American Indian Art, artifacts and related subjects.

Email:[email protected]

©2000 by Holley Arts-any part of this site (with the exception of certain articles or pictures which have their own copyright), may be freely reproduced and distributed for non-profit purposes: such as sharing with friends, students, other tipi owners or those interested.  However, NO PART of this site may be reproduced or transmitted in any form and then sold. If in doubt, contact the author or the web master for this site.

Special note:  This web site was developed by Linda Holley for her own personal reasons….it is not to sell tipis for any maker or to advertise any particular manufacturer.  Many people have helped with this site in giving me information, pictures or permission to use information.   This is MY site and NOT influenced by anyone, person, thing or alien.  If it ever becomes “influenced” I will take my ball and go home.   BTW….”we” refers to the royal we….of me, myself and I. 

*Special thanks to all of those who have given permission to use photos from their books, sites and personal collections. The Denver Public Library for their digital library of historic materials, Larry Belitz, Wes Housler, Carolyn Corey and Preston Miller, Jacques Petryseyn, Chris Ravenshead, Doug Rodgers, Mike Terry, Louis Garcia, Georg Barth, Stephen Gill, Bill Holm, Jan Kirstek, Dmitriy, Ken Weidner, Curtis Carter, Bill and Kathy Brewer, Two Bears, Richard Reese and others.

The previous counter ended at 99,988 or so before the site change, if anyone besides me cares.

This site started on October 22, 2000

New server started March-2003

New Counter for new site….